The perfect combination: what grows well with mint?

Ah, mint. That fragrant, refreshing plant – in different forms and varieties – can add an extra zing to salads, teas, and even desserts.

But did you know that when it comes to gardening, you can combine mint plants with other herbs for an even better experience?


It’s time for you to get acquainted with companion planting—but don’t worry; it isn’t as complicated as it may seem!

By integrating mint companion plants like rosemary, thyme, and oregano in your garden bed, you can benefit from the synergy of flavors and aromas brought by this combination.

In this article, we’ll show you why growing mint companion plants is the way to go if you want the best of both worlds. We’ll also share some tips on choosing the right plant that grows well with mint plants.

So get ready—it’s going to be a truly aromatic experience!

Introduction to the world of mint

Have you ever thought of growing something different in your garden beyond the usual roses and pansies?

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How about trying out a herb garden, specifically a beautiful mix of mint varieties with their pals? It’s the perfect way to get a taste of nature in your backyard!

Mint is an easy-to-grow herb that you can find in a variety of flavors and colors. But it’s not just tasty—it also has medicinal and cosmetic uses!

The best part is that it pairs perfectly with many other herbs, like lavender, thyme, rosemary, oregano, sage, and basil.

All these plants have different needs but thrive when planted near each other.

Whether planted in a container or directly into the ground, mint is sure to bring beauty and fragrance to your garden.

Best mint companion plants

Companion planting is the practice of growing various crops near one another to prevent pests, help in pollination, and attract beneficial insects. Companion planting byproducts maximize garden space and boost healthy crop harvests.

So, what other plants go well with mint plants?

The list is much longer than you might expect. Most of these are foliage varieties that love moist soils, and partial shade, and have similar propagation needs to mint.

Here are a few of the best plant companions for your mint:

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  • Rosemary. Another Mediterranean herb, rosemary is an evergreen shrub that blooms in the spring and summer (mint’s bloom times). Rosemary prefers drier sandy soil without much organic mulch, which may be unfavorable to the mint plant.
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  • Thyme. The perfect companion planting with mint. Thyme and mint enhance each other’s flavors in dishes, plus look beautiful when planted together.
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  • Lavender. Attracting pollinators like bees, lavender is a great companion plant to plant with a mint patch.
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  • Colorful flowers. best mint companion plants with strong smells and plentiful food supplies attract pollinators such as bees and butterflies.
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  • Cabbage family plants. Mint helps will help in the battle against the white cabbage moth and flea beetles. Mint companion planting benefits a variety of plants, including beets, broccoli, and Brussels sprouts. The pleasant scent of mint can help keep troublesome flea beetles and other insects away from brussels sprouts.
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  • Sage. Perfect for both culinary and ornamental uses, sage and mint form a wonderful combination. The health benefits of the two herbs combined are a potent addition to your diet
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  • Garlic. A staple for the kitchen, garlic is another great companion plant to grow alongside mint. In addition to its culinary uses, garlic can help keep pests away from your mint patch.
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  • Lemon Balm. This fragrant herb is part of the mint family and makes a good companion plant. It’s said to attract pollinators to the garden and makes a great addition to salads, sauces, and teas.
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  • Coriander. A member of the carrot family, coriander is a great mint companion for your mint patch. It adds flavor to a variety of dishes and its flowers attract beneficial insects.
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  • Chili & Bell Peppers. Both bell peppers and chilies require temperatures between 60 degrees and 80 degrees for growth. The aroma of mint helps to control pests including spider mites, flies, and beetles.
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  • Carrots. Mint is considered a good companion plant for carrots because it deters the carrot root fly. Carrot flies may be destructive to your carrot crop, so keeping some mint nearby can help.
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Other good companion plants include pole beans, strawberry plants, bush beans, and tomato plants.

When mint is planted nearby in a vegetable garden, they will become the best mint companion plants. Vegetables will provide partial shade for mint, while mint nearby will keep away insects like spider mites or parasitic wasps.

It’s a delicate balancing act between providing a suitable environment for beneficial insects such as beetles and ladybugs and making the most of a growing season to ensure healthy growth.

Aromatic herbs like these are the best companion plants for mint and can help you enjoy a much more flavorful herb garden. You can also tie in other plants like kale and carrots to create a verdant and vibrant herb patch.

With the right combination of herbs and companions, you’re sure to have a successful and tasty garden for years to come.

What are the benefits of companion planting mint?

Growing mint and its plant companions not only look beautiful in your garden, but it’s also incredibly beneficial in many ways.

Here are just a few of the benefits you can enjoy:

Helps with weed growth control

Mint has proven to be great for weed control and can help you keep your garden looking neat and orderly. Growing it with sage, lavender, and other aromatic herbs can help deter weeds from growing nearby, as well as keep garden pests away.

Increased disease resistance

Mint is known for being resilient and disease-resistant, which means growing mint with companions is a great way to spread the preventative benefits across multiple plants. Mint can deter a carrot root fly and onion flies, among others.

When planted together, the beneficial properties of each plant help to give the others an extra layer of protection against harmful pests and diseases.

Increased insect repellency

Mint is known for its natural insect-repellent qualities and can help keep pesky garden pests out of your garden. Its pungent scent naturally keeps asparagus beetles, onion flies, cabbage moths, squash bugs, carrot flies, spider mites, flea beetles, and even some rodents away.

When planted together with other companions like basil, rosemary, and oregano, they can also help to enhance each other’s natural insect-repellent properties, while attracting beneficial insects.

Overall, growing mint with its appropriate companions has numerous benefits that can help contribute to a healthy and beautiful garden.

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With a perfect combination of herbs, you can create a garden oasis that’s both esthetically pleasing and incredibly beneficial.

Attractive color combinations

When planted together with mint companions, garden plants creates a stunning visual that is sure to turn heads!

The vibrant green of the mint pairs perfectly with the purple hues of lavender or the blue tones of Sage, creating a gorgeous array of colors that will light up any space.

Growing tips: how to make the most of your mint combinations

Ready to get the most out of your mint companions? Here are some tips for making the most out of your chosen mint plant companions.

Choose the right container size

When it comes to companion planting mint and its pals, you don’t want to skimp on the container size.

Bigger is better!

That’s because larger containers provide a stronger root system. The soil will stay moister, which is important since many herbs like mint require moderate soil moisture levels.

Consider sunlight and temperature

Mint and its companion plants require direct sunlight to grow best, especially in colder climates.

Mint prefers higher temperatures, so it’s best planted near a south-facing wall or window where maximum sunlight is available during the day.

It’s also important to remember that too much heat can zap them off their flavor, so make sure they don’t overheat during the summer months.

Watch out for weeds

Weeds will suck all the nutrients from your plants and can make it difficult for them to get enough sunlight.

To prevent weeds from taking the entire garden bed, apply mulch at least one inch deep around each plant. This helps hold down weed growth and helps retain moist soil.If you follow these simple tips, you’ll be well on your way to growing an incredible combination of herbs!

If you follow these simple tips, you’ll be well on your way to growing an incredible combination of herbs!

Special considerations when companion planting mint

It’s always best to make sure that you are providing the proper conditions for your mint and its pals. There are a few special considerations to take into account.

Soil and location

The mint plant does best when you give it lots of space and soil that’s high in organic matter. Mint grows best in a location that gets some direct sunlight throughout the day, but where it won’t be scorched by the mid-afternoon sun.

When you’re planting your garden, make sure that moist soil but well-drained.

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If your soil doesn’t have enough organic matter, try adding some compost or peat moss to maximize growth potential and make sure that nutrients don’t get washed away during heavy rains.

Weed control

Mint can be a bit of a bully in the garden and can easily overrun other plants if left unchecked. To prevent its spread, consider using barriers or coverings in your garden beds to keep weed control in check (coarse mulch works well).


Mint can benefit from a once-monthly feeding with an all-purpose fertilizer or a slow-release fertilizer designed specifically for herbs.

Avoid overfertilizing though, as it could burn out your plants more quickly than you want!


Do you have some burning questions about herb companionship? Growing mint with other herbs might seem a bit daunting, but don’t worry – you’ll be a gardening expert in no time.

Here are some common FAQs that many gardeners ask:

Do I need to plant herbs in my garden?

No, you don’t always have to plant a bunch of herbs altogether. You can simply keep them in pots and either places them around your garden or grow them close to each other.

What good mint companion plants?

Mint is pretty versatile. You can pair it up with most culinary herbs like basil, oregano, thyme, chives, sage, and rosemary, or other garden plants like strawberry plants, bush beans, and. It also works with some flowers like scented geraniums and lavender.

What’s the difference between planting in soil or pots?

When plant mint and its pals in soil, the plants become more established and their roots grow deeper so they’re less likely to dry out. When grown in pots, these herbal companions are easier to move around. Just make sure the containers are big enough so they don’t dry out quickly during hot weather.

What can you not plant next to mint?

Keep cilantro, dill, chamomile, and rue away they make really bad mint companion plants.

Will mint choke out other plants?

If you’re looking to plant mint, you might be wondering what it’s going to do to the other plants around it. Will mint choke out all of the other plants in your garden? Mint plants aren’t choking plants but can also grow under shady plants or bushes.

What herb can be planted with mint?

Aromatic herbs kill many harmful pests. Plant mint next to dill and basil.

Is there anything else I should know?

A few other things to consider when growing herbs with mint are soil type and irrigation – make sure the soil is well-drained but still moist enough for your plants to thrive.


Mixing different kinds of herbs and plants is a creative way to unlock your inner gardener, as well as a great way to get the most out of your herb or garden. By mixing mint with its natural partners, you can create a truly magical garden that’s full of flavor and texture.

Plus, it’s an easy way to maximize your garden’s potential. If you go for a combination of great companion plants to plant with mint, you can reap the benefits of added nutrients and flavors, which makes for a truly delicious and healthy meal.

Whether you’re a novice gardener or a seasoned one, finding the perfect combination of mint and its pals is a great way to get the best out of your garden.

With a little bit of experimenting, you’ll be able to find and enjoy the most delicious combinations of herbs and vegetables.

Read also: How to trim basil plant without killing it

Elizabeth Martin

I am one of the best chefs and I work in a very famous Washington DC restaurant. My main hobby is to complement different dishes with fresh herbs. Almost all of them are grown in my house.

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