What herb goes with steak: choices of flavorful herbs for best steak recipes

Steaks are a classic delicacy that can be cooked in a variety of ways. Whether you like it grilled, pan-fried, or even boiled, steak is a favorite for many. But to bring out the flavor and make your steak delicious, you need to know the best herbs that perfectly combine with steak.

Many herbs are perfect for enhancing the flavor of steak, from fresh rosemary to thyme.

In this article, we will go over how to cook steak dishes without giving them a bitter flavor, what to watch out for, and how to pick the finest herbs. Continue reading to find out which herbs will make your steak recipe outstanding!

what herb goes with steak

Finding your perfect herb: what to consider?

When it comes to pairing herbs with steak, there are a few key things to keep in mind.

First, think about the overall flavor profile of the dish you’re creating. If you’re going for a more savory steak, then pair it with spicy herbs like rosemary or fresh thyme leaves. For a lighter, brighter flavor, try pairing your steak with more delicate herbs like parsley or tarragon.

Another important factor to consider is how you’re cooking steak. If you’re grilling or pan-searing your steak, then you’ll want to use fresh herbs that can stand up to the heat of the grill or pan. But if you’re slow-cooking or braising your steak, then dried herbs will be just fine.

The essential Western cooking herbs from the mint family are thyme, marjoram, oregano, basil, sage, rosemary, and savory.

Some of them complement meat in particular, and when mixed, they make for some savory dishes.

When seasoning steak, it is important to use the right amount of herbs. Too much can overpower the flavor of the steak, while too little can leave it tasting bland. Start with a small amount and gradually add more until you reach the desired flavor.

When using dried herbs, it is best to add them at the beginning of the cooking process. This will give them time to release their flavor and aroma. It is important to remember that they are richer in taste than fresh herbs. Start with a small amount and adjust as needed.

If you are using fresh herbs, add them at the end of the cooking process so they don’t lose their flavor.

Finally, don’t forget to season both sides of the steak before cooking. This will ensure that the steak is evenly seasoned and has a delicious flavor throughout.

There are no hard and fast rules when it comes to pairing herbs with beef recipes. Let’s consider each herb more closely.

find herb


A common herb from the mint family that is excellent for meat recipes is basil, particularly fresh basil. It is a culinary herb that is predominantly used in Mediterranean and Mexican cooking. It is known for its sweet and savory flavor that can complement the taste of steak.

When choosing fresh herbs like basil, look for leaves that are deep green and have a slightly silky texture. You must avoid leaves that are yellow or brown, as these indicate that the herb is not so fresh. To use fresh basil, chop the leaves and add them to your steak dish just before serving.

Basil is a great herb to use in marinades and sauces. It has a strong herbal flavor that can be used in any recipe, but it’s best when combined with other herbs or spices.

You can marinate steaks with basil and minced garlic. After the marinade is ready, allow the meat to sit in it for several hours before grilling the steak–this will allow for the stronger flavors to be absorbed into the meat.

Once the meat is ready, it’s time to slice and serve!

basil 1


One of the most frequently used herbs in cooking is chives. They add to the flavor of many foods, including meat, thanks to their subtle onion flavor. The green color of the chives adds a pop of color and enhances the aesthetic attractiveness of your meal.

Chives can be cooked with the steak or added as a garnish. When cooked with the steak, they can be sautéed in butter or oil, or added to a marinade.

Mixing butter and minced garlic with the chives lets you impart flavor to your dish which will be unforgettable.

When used as a garnish, green onions can be cut with kitchen shears and placed on top of a steak, or chopped and sprinkled on top. Green onions can also be used to make a flavorful compound butter that can be served alongside a steak. You can add green onions to sauces to give them a delicious onion flavor.

When preparing and serving a steak, the addition of chives, grated mozzarella cheese, and fresh green onions from the garden will make the meal taste even better.



Oregano is a popular herb to use when seasoning steak. It has a strong, pungent flavor that pairs well with the richness of the steak. Oregano is often combined with other herbs and spices, such as garlic, rosemary, thyme, and paprika, to create a flavorful dry rub.

Just a sprinkle of oregano can go a long way in enhancing the flavors of your dish. Oregano can also be used in a marinade to add flavor and tenderize the steak. Oregano is a great way to add a robust flavor to steak and can be used in a variety of dishes.

When used with the meat, it gives a nice smoky flavor that will really make it stand out. You can even try using oregano in place of salt on your steak. Just be sure to use it sparingly, as too much oregano can quickly overpower the other flavors in your dish.


For a variety of reasons, parsley is a popular herb that can be used with steak. It adds a bright, mild flavor that complements the steak perfectly without overwhelming it. It also adds a pop of color to the plate, making it look more appetizing.

Fresh parsley is also packed with vitamins and minerals such as vitamin K, vitamin C, and iron. These vitamins and minerals can help support a healthy immune system and improve overall health.

Parsley is also a great addition to steak because it is low in calories, so it won’t add too many extra calories to the meal. Additionally, it is a great source of dietary fiber, which can help keep you full and satisfied for longer.

When selecting fresh parsley to use with steak, look for fresh leaves that are bright green. You must avoid wilted or yellow leaves.

All in all, parsley is a great addition to steak, adding flavor, nutrition, and a beautiful pop of color.

tk steak


Rosemary herb is one of the best herbs to add some vibrant flavor to your winter beef dishes. This fragrant herb has a complex flavor that pairs well with the rich taste of steak.

One way to use rosemary is to rub it on the steak, along with some melted butter, before cooking it in a cast iron pan.

This will infuse the meat with the herb’s flavor and make for a more delicious dish.

Another way to use rosemary is to add it to the pan when you are cooking the steak. This will release the herb’s fragrance and flavor into the air, making for a more aromatic dish.

Whatever way you choose to use dried rosemary, it is sure to enhance the flavor of your steak or beef dishes. So next time you are looking for an herb to add to your steak, consider rosemary as one of your top choices.

Bay leaf

When you’re cooking a steak, nothing beats just about the most classic combination of black pepper and bay leaf. It’s been around for centuries and it really does elevate your steak’s flavor to another level.

Bay leaves are related to rosemary but have a more pungent flavor than the latter plant. Bay leaves add depth to meat dishes without overpowering them.

To begin, season your steak with salt and freshly ground pepper. Then, place the leaf on top of the steak and wrap it in foil. Place the steak in a preheated oven at 350℉ for about 20 minutes.

After 20 minutes, remove the steak from the oven and unwrap the foil. Take away the leaf and serve the steak with your favorite sides.

Bay leaves and black pepper will add an incredible flavor to your steak that will tantalize your taste buds.

Bay leaf

Favorite herb combinations that pair perfectly with steak

Here are some combinations of herbs that will add fresh flavor to your steak. Don’t be afraid to experiment! Go ahead and mix and match until you find a combination that you love.

Rosemary + Thyme + Garlic

One of the finest methods for cooking steak is in a cast iron skillet with rosemary, thyme, and garlic. This trio is classic for a reason—the robust flavors of rosemary and thyme complement the rich flavor of beef perfectly, while garlic adds just a touch of zesty flavor. Steak pairs well with these tastes.

The powerful, pungent flavor of the garlic enhances the steak’s savory flavor. By adding butter, the steak becomes juicier and gains a pleasant taste from the butter.

Parsley + Lemon juice + Olive Oil

For a steak that’s perfectly juicy and tender, you need to use a marinade that’s made with lemon juice, parsley, and olive oil. This combination will help tenderize your meat and add flavor to it.

Lemon works well to tenderize meat because its mild acidity gently dissolves the protein fibers in the meat, making it deliciously fork-tender.

Parsley lends a fresh touch to steak dishes.

Olive oil marinades are the ideal way to flavor your grilled meals. Marinate your meats in the oil for about 30 minutes; during this time, your meat is absorbing the mixture to give you delicious flavors and health advantages.

You can use any type of olive oil for this recipe; however, extra-virgin olive oil has been used throughout history as an ingredient in Mediterranean cuisine because of its high levels of antioxidants and vitamins A + D6 found in its fat content. This makes it an ideal choice when preparing steak dishes.

Basil + Oregano + Sage

Oregano is commonly combined with olive oil to create flavorful oregano oil, Italian vinaigrettes, and marinades for lamb, chicken, and beef. Other ingredients that pair well with oregano include garlic, onion, and basil.

Basil has a very strong flavor, so use it minimally when cooking with basil. Basil is a fantastic herb to use when grilling because it gives the meal a wonderful aroma! Sage has a robust taste that complements meat marinades and rubs well.

This blend of herbs works well together to create a refreshing taste and provides the steak with an additional flavor increase. It is ideal for flavoring dishes without overpowering them with flavor.


Frequently asked questions on best herbs that go with steak

Do you use thyme or rosemary for steak?

It really depends on personal preference when it comes to deciding between thyme and rosemary for steak.

Thyme has a slightly more subtle flavor than rosemary, which has a stronger flavor. It has a slightly minty flavor that can complement the taste of steak nicely. If you’re looking for a more subtle flavor, thyme is a great option.

Rosemary, on the other hand, is a great choice if you’re looking for a more intense flavor. It has a strong, earthy flavor that can really bring out the flavors of the meat.

Additionally, both herbs pair well with other seasonings, such as garlic, oregano, and paprika, so you can experiment with different combinations to find the perfect flavor for your steak.

What dried herbs for steak?

If the choice of fresh herbs is quite limited for you then you should consider dried ones. There is a variety that goes well with steak.

Popular options include garlic powder, onion powder, oregano, thyme, rosemary, paprika, and cumin. Other herbs such as parsley, basil, tarragon, and bay leaves can also be used to add flavor. Experiment with different combinations to find the perfect blend for your steak.

What is good to season a steak with?

When it comes to seasoning your steak, there are a few different things you can do to make it taste great. One of the most important things is to choose the right herbs. Here are a few of the best choices for seasoning your steak:
Rosemary. This herb has a strong, pungent flavor that goes well with steak. It’s also known for its ability to help tenderize meat.
Thyme. This herb has a more delicate flavor than rosemary, but it’s still quite potent. It pairs well with other savory flavors, making it a good choice for seasoning your steak.
Oregano. This herb has a strong, pungent flavor that goes well with steak. It’s also known for its ability to help tenderize meat.
Basil. This herb has a sweet, fragrant flavor that pairs well with the rich flavor of the steak.
Sage. This herb has a savory flavor that pairs well with steak. It’s also known for its ability to help tenderize meat.


When it comes to adding a unique flavor to your steak, herbs are a great way to do it. Herbs can add a piney flavor to your steak, as well as a fragrant aroma that will make your kitchen smell amazing. A cast iron skillet and the right combination of herbs are all you need to create an unforgettable steak dinner.

There are plenty of options for seasoning your steak: from fresh thyme and basil to oregano and rosemary. Try experimenting with different herbs and combinations until you find a blend that tastes great!

Learn More: Herbs For Steak

Elizabeth Martin

I am one of the best chefs and I work in a very famous Washington DC restaurant. My main hobby is to complement different dishes with fresh herbs. Almost all of them are grown in my house.

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