When to put basil on pizza and get the most flavor?

Basil is a popular herb that is often used in Italian cuisine, including on pizza. But when is the best time to put basil on your pizza?

There are a few factors to consider when deciding when to put basil on your pizza. One crucial factor is the type of basil you are using. Fresh basil and dried basil have different properties and should be used at different times in the pizza-making process.

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In this article, we will explore the various factors that can affect when to put basil on your pizza and provide some tips for using basil.

The role of basil in pizza-making

Basil is often used in combination with other ingredients on pizza, such as olive oil and mozzarella. The herb pairs well with the rich, creamy flavor of mozzarella and the fruity, nutty aroma of the oil. It can also be used to add flavor to vegetarian pizzas, such as those made with roasted vegetables or grilled eggplant.

It enhances the depth and richness of meals with its sweet, somewhat sour flavor. It is an adaptable herb that works well in a wide range of recipes, including marinades, salads, and sauces.

The flavor of basil on pizza

Basil has a distinct, slightly sweet, and slightly licorice-like flavor that pairs well with the tomato sauce and cheese in a pizza. It adds a fresh, herbaceous flavor to the dish that can complement the other ingredients and help to elevate the overall aroma.

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Some people also describe the flavor of basil as being slightly spicy or pungent, which can add depth and complexity to the taste of the pizza.

It is a versatile herb that can be used in a variety of dishes, and it is a popular choice for adding flavor to pizzas.

When to put basil on pizza: before or after cooking?

In general, it is best to put basil on a pizza after it has been cooked. This is because basil is a delicate herb that can easily be wilted or burnt if it is exposed to high heat for too long.

By adding basil to a cooked pizza, you can ensure that it stays flavorful. Nevertheless, there are a few exceptions to this rule.

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If you are making a traditional pizza, for example, you may want to add basil to the sauce before spreading it on the dough. This will allow the basil flavor to infuse into it and provide a more subtle, aromatic basil taste.

Before cooking

When adding basil to a pizza before cooking, it is important to be mindful of the cooking time. If you are using fresh herbs, you may want to add them towards the end of the cooking to prevent them from wilting. If you are using dried basil, you can add it at the beginning of the cooking to give it more time to infuse the pizza with its flavor.

After cooking

One option is to add the basil after the pizza has been cooked. This allows the basil to retain its bright green color and strong flavor. To do this, simply sprinkle some fresh basil leaves over the top of the pizza after it has been removed from the oven.

Alternatively, you can mix the basil into the tomato sauce before spreading it on the pizza crust. This will allow the basil flavor to infuse the entire pizza.

Different ways to put basil on pizza

When using basil, it’s important to remember that a little goes a long way.

Too much basil can overpower the other flavors in the dish, so it’s best to start with a small amount and then adjust to your preferences. Adding basil to pizza and marinara sauce is a simple and effective way to add fresh, aromatic flavor to these classic dishes.

The key to using herbs in these dishes is to know when to add them, as well as how much to use.

Basil in marinara sauce

To add basil to marinara sauce, there are a few different options to consider.

Option 1

Add fresh basil at the beginning of the cooking process If you choose to add fresh basil leaves to the marinara at the beginning of the cooking, the basil will have more time to infuse it with its flavor.

To do this, start by finely chopping a handful of fresh basil leaves. Add the basil to the saucepan with the other ingredients for the marinara, such as diced tomatoes, garlic, and any spices you may be using. Stir it gently as it cooks to ensure that the basil is evenly distributed.

Option 2

Add fresh basil towards the end of the cooking. If you prefer a stronger, fresher flavor from the basil, you can add it towards the end of the cooking. To do this, wait until the marinara sauce has finished cooking and is almost ready to serve.

Take finely chopped fresh basil leaves and stir them into marinara. The heat will slightly wilt the basil leaves, but they will still retain their bright green color and intense flavor.

Option 3

Add dried basil at the beginning of the cooking. If you don’t have fresh basil leaves on hand, you can also use dried basil in your marinara. To do this, simply add a teaspoon or two of dried basil to the saucepan with the other ingredients at the beginning of the cooking.

The dried basil will have time to infuse with its flavor as the sauce cooks. Just be aware that the flavor of dried basil is generally not as strong as that of fresh basil, so you may need to use a bit more to achieve the desired flavor.

Adding basil to different types of pizza

To put basil on your pizza, you can either sprinkle it over the top of the cooked pizza, or you can add it to the dough before cooking.

If you choose to add it to the dough, make sure to use thinly sliced basil leaves and evenly distribute them over the surface of the dough.

You can also add it to the toppings of your pizza, such as on top of cheese or vegetables. It’s important to keep in mind that basil has an intense flavor, so be careful not to use too much. You can always add more after the pizza has been cooked if needed.

When storing basil leaves, it’s best to keep them in a glass of water, similar to how you would store flowers. This will help keep the herb fresh and prevent it from wilting.

If you have leftover basil leaves that you don’t think you’ll use within a few days, you can also freeze them for later use. Just be sure to remove any excess water before freezing, as this can cause the basil leaves to become mushy.

Olive oil and basil on pizza

It is a classic combination on pizza, adding a fresh and flavorful aroma.

To use basil and olive oil on your pizza, start by preheating your oven to the temperature specified in your pizza recipe. While the oven is heating up, roll out your pizza dough and place it on a baking sheet or pizza stone.

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Next, drizzle a generous amount of oil over the surface of the dough. The oil will help to keep the crust from drying out and add richness to the overall taste of the pizza. Then finely chop a handful of fresh basil leaves and sprinkle them over the surface of the dough.

Finally, top your pizza with your desired toppings, such as diced tomatoes, mozzarella, and any other favorite ingredients.

Bake the pizza in the preheated pizza stone or pizza oven for the amount of time specified in your recipe, or until the crust is golden brown and the cheese is melted and bubbly.

Whether you prefer a simple Margherita-style pizza or a more elaborate creation with a variety of toppings, basil and olive oil are sure to elevate your pizza to the next level.

Fresh basil vs dried basil on pizza

Fresh basil leaves are a fragrant herb that is frequently used in Italian cooking, especially pizza. It has a bright, somewhat sweet, and mildly spicy aroma that complements a variety of pizzas, including Margherita, BBQ chicken, and vegetables.

In general, both dried and fresh leaves can be used on pizza, depending on personal preference and what flavor you want to reach.

Fresh basil

Fresh basil is a popular choice for pizza because of its bright, bold flavor. It is typically added after the pizza has been cooked, either by sprinkling the fresh leaves over the top of the pizza or mixing the basil into the tomato sauce before spreading it on the crust. Add fresh basil after cooking allowing the basil to retain its intense basil flavor and bright green color.

Fresh basil is typically added to pizza after the pizza has been cooked, as the heat of the wood-fired oven can cause the delicate leaves to wilt and lose their aroma. When cooking pizza with basil, you have the option of using dried or fresh basil. Both types of basil have their unique flavor and can be used in different ways to enhance the taste of your pizza.

Dried basil

Dried basil is another option for adding basil flavor to your pizza. It is more commonly used in tomato sauce, as it has a more subtle taste than a fresh one. To use dried herbs or basil, simply sprinkle it over the sauce before spreading it on the crust. It can also be added to the dough before cooking for an extra burst of taste.

On the other hand, dried basil is a more potent herb that has a strong, barely sweet, and slightly spicy flavor. It is often used in Italian and Mediterranean cuisine, including on pizza. It can be added to pizza either before or after cooking, depending on the desired taste and texture.

If added before cooking, the heat of the wood-fired oven will release the flavors of the dried basil and infuse them into the pizza. If added after cooking, the dried basil will provide a more pronounced aroma.

Tips and tricks

Here are a few tips and tricks for adding basil to your pizza and marinara sauce:

  • If using fresh basil leaves, be sure to wash and dry the leaves thoroughly before adding them to your pizza.
  • If using dried basil, it is best to crush the leaves between your fingers before adding them to your sauce or pizza to release the flavors.
  • Consider using a mix of fresh and dried basil for a more complex flavor profile.
  • If adding basil to your marinara sauce, be sure to test and adjust the seasoning before serving.
  • Experiment with different types of basil, such as Thai basil or sweet basil, for a unique twist on traditional pizza.

Advantages and disadvantages

When it comes to adding basil to these dishes, there are a few things to consider.

Another potential issue is that basil can be quite delicate, so it is important to handle it carefully. Put basil on pizza or in the marinara sauce to add a fresh, delicious flavor to your dishes, but it is important to consider the potential drawbacks and handle the herb with care.


One advantage of using basil on pizza is that it adds a fresh, herby aroma that can complement the other ingredients. It is also a good source of antioxidants, which can help to boost the nutritional value of the dish.

Additionally, basil is a versatile herb that can be used in a variety of different dishes, so it is always handy to have on hand.

One advantage of using dried basil is that it is more convenient and easier to store than fresh basil. It has a longer shelf life and does not need to be refrigerated, making it a good option for those who do not have access to fresh basil.

Regardless, the flavor of dried basil is not as bold as fresh basil and may not provide as much of a flavor boost to your pizza.


However, there are also a few drawbacks to using basil on pizza and in marinara sauce.

One disadvantage is that fresh basil can be difficult to find and can be expensive, especially if you are not growing it yourself. Dried basil can be a good alternative, but it does not have the same taste as fresh basil and can sometimes be a bit dull.

Another potential issue is that basil can be quite delicate, so it is important to handle it carefully. If you are adding it to pizza, it is best to do so just before baking, as the heat of the oven can cause the basil to wilt and lose its taste.

If you are using it in marinara, it is best to add it towards the end of the cooking, as extended cooking times can also cause the flavor to diminish.

On the other hand, the advantage of using fresh basil is that it provides a stronger, more vibrant flavor to your pizza. It also adds a pop of color to the dish, making it more visually appealing.

The main disadvantage of using fresh basil is that it can be more difficult to find and has a shorter shelf life than dried basil.


How to put fresh basil on pizza?

To put fresh basil on pizza, you can either sprinkle the leaves over the top of the pizza after it has been cooked, or you can chop the basil and mix it into the tomato sauce before spreading it on the pizza crust.

When should basil be added to a dish?

Basil should be added to a dish towards the end of the cooking process to retain its strong, fresh flavor.

Do basil leaves go on pizza?

Basil leaves can be added to the pizza. Basil is a common ingredient in many types of pizza, particularly those with a tomato sauce base.

What goes with fresh basil on pizza?

Some ingredients that go well with fresh basil on pizza include mozzarella cheese, tomato slices, and extra virgin olive oil. Other common toppings for basil pizza include chicken, artichoke hearts, and sun-dried tomatoes.

Conclusion: adding basil to your pizza for an extra burst of flavor

Using basil on a pizza can add an extra burst of taste that can elevate the dish. There are a few different ways to put basil on a pizza, including sprinkling fresh leaves on top after cooking, mixing chopped basil into the tomato sauce before spreading it on the crust, or using dried basil as a seasoning.

Each option has its advantages and disadvantages, so it’s important to consider which method will work best for your specific recipe.

Fresh basil will provide a strong, fresh flavor, but it may wilt or turn brown after cooking. Dried herbs are a more convenient option, as it has a longer shelf life and can be easily stored in your pantry. Yet, it may not have the same intensity of flavor as fresh basil.

Finally, the choice of whether to use fresh or dried basil on your pizza will depend on your preferences and the specific recipe you are using. Wonder How to kill aphids on basil plants, read

Elizabeth Martin

I am one of the best chefs and I work in a very famous Washington DC restaurant. My main hobby is to complement different dishes with fresh herbs. Almost all of them are grown in my house.

1 thought on “When to put basil on pizza and get the most flavor?”

  1. I prefer only fresh basil. I have always thought that dried basil is a completely different taste and aroma. Therefore, I prefer to freeze basil in olive oil and then it will be an excellent option for pizza. It’s better than dried, isn’t it?


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