Achieving perfect results when drying herbs in air fryer

You might be wondering if you can dry herbs in an air fryer. The answer is yes! Not only is it possible, but it’s also a great way to achieve perfect results. In this article, we’ll talk about the best methods for drying herbs, as well as the temperature you should use.

We’ll also give you a few tips on how to make the process easier, so you can enjoy your perfectly dried herbs for months to come.

What you need to consider before dehydrating herbs

One of the oldest and simplest methods to preserve culinary herbs is by air-drying them. Before you start, there are a few things you need to consider.

The first is what type of air fryer you’re using. Not all air fryers are created equal, so you’ll need to make sure your in-air fryer model has a dehydrating function.

You’ll also have to decide what herbs you want to dry. Not every herb is suitable for drying in an air fryer, so do some research ahead of time to see which ones work best.

It’s important to note that not all herbs are created equal when it comes to drying times. Some herbs, like basil leaves, will dry in just a few minutes, while others, like rosemary, may take up to an hour.

So be patient, and allow the herbs plenty of time to dry completely.

Uses for dehydrated herbs

Dehydrated herbs are an effective way of protecting their taste as well. Dehydrating them slowly will help retain the flavors and nutrients. Herbs are useful in a range of foods, such as soups, stews, and casserole dishes of rice. A variety of herbs is used to flavor the pasta and pizza sauce.

Some common herbs are chives, basil, or oregano. Easily stored in airtight containers, the dehydrated herb can last up to six months. Herbs are useful outside the kitchen. Some herbal teas contain herbal extracts that provide health benefits.

How to dry herbs in an air fryer

The best way to dry herbs is in an air fryer.

You can dry any type of herb in an air fryer. The temperature should be set to between 160 and 180 degrees Fahrenheit. You will need to check on the herbs every few minutes to make sure that they are completely dry.

Once you dehydrate herbs, you can store them in an airtight container.

Drying herbs in an air fryer is a quick and easy way to preserve them. Herbs do not have a long shelf life, so drying and dehydrating can be a wonderful way to extend their shelf life and preserve them for future use.

You will need to dehydrate the fresh herbs for about two hours. The herbs will be crispy and add flavor to your dishes.

Air fryer dehydrating methods

Follow the steps below to dehydrate herbs in an air fryer!

Rinse the herb mixture and let the water dry. Place the dried herbs in one piece in the air fryer. Put metal racks over them to keep them out. Air fry between 125 °F, and 150 °F for 1 to 3 hours, and check each for 4-5 minutes. It can be prepared when the material of the plants is easy to grab. Place dried plants on parchment for 30 minutes before drying.

How do I test this myself? If they start to crumble, the dehydrating process is completed.

Top tips for dehydrating herbs in an air fryer

When it comes to dehydrating herbs, there’s no one-size-fits-all approach. Some herbs are better suited to air fryers than others, and the temperature and time you need to dry them can vary depending on the herb in question.

That’s why we’ve put together a few top tips for the best results. Here are a few things to keep in mind.

Use a paper towel or tea towel to pat the fresh herbs dry before placing them in the air fryer. This will help absorb any excess oil and moisture and will help them to dry more quickly.

Make sure the herbs are spread out in a single layer on the wire mesh tray – this will help them to dry evenly.

Set the low temperature to between 125 °F, to 150 °F, and dry for between 10 and 20 minutes, depending on the herb in question.

When dehydrating herbs, it is important to make sure to pat dry them before air-frying them.

Store dehydrated parsley in an airtight container and, whenever needed, use it in recipes.

How to keep your dried herbs from flying around in an air fryer?

Often a fryer with a dehydrating setting runs automatically with a low fan. It’s unlikely that your herb can fly around. Usually, the lowest settings in dehydration mode only give constant airflow in the air fryer. Also, use an air fryer basket without dehydrating settings.

Should you wash herbs before dehydrating them in an air fryer?

Yes, it is necessary to rinse them before putting them into the air fryer basket. When dehydrating herbs, you should make certain the herb has completely dried before frying them. However, fresh herbs tend to shrink after they get dried, so search for air fryers with more drying areas and shelves.

Which herbs can be dried in the air fryer?

Now that you know the basics of dehydrating herbs, it’s time to think about which herbs will work best. Some of the best ways to dehydrate herbs in an air fryer include basil, dill, oregano, rosemary, sage, thyme, and parsley. These dehydrated herbs also make great spice blends.

If you’re looking for a quick and easy way to dry fresh herbs, you could give air frying a try with these delicious herbs. Basil is particularly suited to the air fryer because it has a delicate texture that is easily dried without turning hard.

Other herbs like parsley can be successfully dried in the air fryer too, though it will take a bit longer and require more attention than basil.

It’s always important to remember that different types of herbs may require different temperatures or drying times to achieve perfect results. So if you’re new to air frying your herbs, be sure to do some research first so that you can get the most out of your experiment!

How long do you need to air-fry herbs?

The most important part of dehydrating herbs in an air fryer is getting the timing right. You don’t want to dehydrate herbs for too long, or they will become brittle and break apart.

Dehydrating is all about drying at a low temperature. You will need to set the temperature of your air fryer to 130 °F. If you are drying a large number of herbs, you may need to adjust the time accordingly, as they can shrink when dried. It is also important to check on them occasionally and shake the basket to ensure even drying.

For example, high-moisture herbs like basil, lemon balm, parsley, cilantro, oregano, and mint do best when dried faster. Low-moisture herbs like bay, fennel, dill, thyme, and rosemary can all be dried using longer methods like air drying.

You should keep an eye on your herbs as they reach the end of the dehydration process because once they become fully dried, it will take only a few seconds for them to burn if left in the air fryer for too long. Once you reach this point, quickly remove them from the air fryer and allow them to cool completely before storing them away. You should store your herbs in an airtight container.

How to store dehydrated herbs?

Herbs are dehydrated by reheating them in the air fryers before storage for future use. Parsley is a very good herb because it can be dried easily. Dehydrated herbs are stored in warm, dark, and dry places. These dehydrated herbs also make great spice blends. Please keep them away from direct sunlight or heat unless necessary.

In cases of lack of airflow, the bags are plastic Ziploc bags. Remove the air before sealing. Dehydrated herbs are stored in an airtight container, which can last 6 months or more. But you keep them in a refrigerator or freezer for at least a year.


So, if you’re looking to dry your herbs in an air fryer, remember to keep the temperature low and dehydrate them for a shorter amount of time. Not only will this ensure that your herbs retain their flavor, but it’ll also save you energy. Just make sure to keep a close eye on them, as they can easily dry out if you’re not careful. Enjoy your perfectly dried herbs!

FAQs on drying herbs in an air fryer

Can you dry fresh basil in an air fryer?

Drying herbs in an air fryer can be a wonderful and easy way to preserve plants from your herb garden for future use. Set the air fryer temperature between 125 °F, to 150 °F on the air-frying setting. Remove the leaves from the stems. Air fry for three to six minutes, or until leaves are fully dried. Basil is a great herb to dehydrate because it has a long shelf life.

Can I dry parsley in my air fryer?

Dehydrating parsley in an oven or a food dehydrator can save incredibly many flavorful herbs quickly and efficiently. Wash parsley and pat dry using a paper towel. Then cut up parsley into small sections and place them in the air fryer pan. Set the oven to 150 °F, and cook for seven to 10 minutes.

What is the best method for drying herbs?

An air fryer is a great way to dehydrate herbs because it circulates hot air around the food, providing even dehydration. This results in food that is evenly dried and has a better flavor than food that is dehydrated in an oven or on a stovetop.
This drying technique makes it simple and quick to preserve herbs. Leave flowers or plants in hot air and then dry them. Keep herbs in an enclosed place and let the liquid evaporate. Sun-drying is not recommended because herbs are prone to loss of flavor and color.

What temperature do you dehydrate herbs in an air fryer?

When it comes to drying herbs in an air fryer, the best method is to spread them evenly and thinly on the tray or air fryer basket and set the temperature between 125°F, to 150°F, for 1- 3 hours, keeping an eye on them every 10-15 minutes. Depending on the type of herb, it should be dry enough for storage after about 20 minutes.
Also, remember that different types of herbs have different moisture levels, so keep a check on them as they’re drying. Thyme and oregano will be dried faster than rosemary or sage. Once all the moisture is gone, and you’re left with a crunchy consistency, turn off the fryer and let your herbs cool before storing them away.

Read also: How long does fresh rosemary last?

Elizabeth Martin

I am one of the best chefs and I work in a very famous Washington DC restaurant. My main hobby is to complement different dishes with fresh herbs. Almost all of them are grown in my house.

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